Clapham Leaf Club 6

Clapham Leaf Club 6 Blog:



IMAGINE: 2 is the Market’s second art project with local Clapham primary schools. The pupils from four of our local schools were encouraged to produce artwork for a collaborative competition and invited to Imagine where food comes from and their favourite food and market experiences. The winners’ works are now displayed on Venn Street Market’s shopping bags available at the Market on Saturdays at only £5 each.

Participating Schools: Bonneville, Clapham Manor, Heathbrook, St Mary’s RC


Grand Finale: Saturday 13th July 2019

Congratulations to all pupils from Clapham’s primary schools who grew produce this year to sell at the market – it’s never seen so much fresh fruit & veg and such great support from parents & carers – AMAZING!! 

We had many enthusiastic shoppers including our regulars from St Paul’s Opera & Clapham’s Woman’s Institute.. Thanks everyone for your support!

Gold medals go to Clapham Manor, Heathbrook, Macaulay CE & St Mary’s RC Primary Schools???


We held Clapham Leaf Club’s 8th Grand Finale on Saturday 7th July and what a turn out we had..

Flowers cut from the meadow garden at Heathbrook Primary plus their own home grown Mint for Mint Teas and Lavender Bags for ballerinas! Clapham Manor Primary filled us with a treat of recipes and plenty of fresh produce from their new food growing garden, and Macaulay CE Primary filled their stall with so many tomato plants and lettuces – a perfect summer mix!

Thanks to all the participating schools: Clapham Manor, Heathbrook and Macaulay CofE Primaries.. Thanks also to everyone who came by and supported our youngsters efforts.. It was a terrific turnout!


On 8th July 2017 the market turned into a garden nursery filled with fruits & vegetables and plants for the garden, not to mention all the recipes made from each school’s harvest!

Thanks to all the participating schools: Allen Edwards, Clapham Manor, Heathbrook, Larkhall Rise and Macaulay CofE Primaries.. Thanks also to everyone who came by and supported our youngsters efforts.. It was a terrific turnout!

CLC 2017


What a fabulous turnout we had in July this year.. There was more produce grown and sold from each school than ever before. Well done to all of you who took part – we can’t wait to start again in January!





Thank you to Allen Edwards, Clapham Manor Primary, Heathbrook and Macaulay CE Primary Schools for taking part in this year’s Clapham Leaf Club – it was a spectacular turnout!


Each school spent the Spring and Summer terms in 2015 growing produce and flowers from seed to harvest. Each year the market invites the schools to sell their produce and recipes to Venn Street Market’s customers. 2015 saw the stalls brimming with hanging baskets, fresh lettuces, potatoes, radishes, tomatoes and beans.

Here are a few photos from this year’s Grand Finale.. Well done everyone involved..


Pupils of the Clapham & Larkhall Collaborative started planning and sowing seeds when the frost was still biting and together have grown an amazing variety of produce and flowers. Along this journey they’ve been learning about food and where it comes from and what we can achieve by growing our own. Pupils from Clapham Manor Primary School produced fine foods from their harvest including beetroot brownies, fresh pasta and pea pesto, and all sold out early!

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Pea Pesto

In July 2014, the local schools taking a stall at the market were Clapham Manor Primary and Larkhall Primary Schools – both spent the last two terms preparing their soil and planting seeds to grow fabulous plants and foods to harvest and sell at the market.

Each school took on different ideas of what to grow and what to sell at the market eg Clapham Manor Primary grew peas and beans to make delicious pea pesto and fresh eggsellent pasta! Larkhall Primary have a chicken and goose pen at their school, so fresh eggs were available as well as raspberry jam cakes made from berries grown in their allotment and beautiful cascading hanging flower baskets.


Last year’s Grand Finale saw Allen Edwards Primary School excel with a specialist potato stall selling out in time for ice-cream! The pupils from Clapham Manor Primary School made scrumptious Chocolate Beetroot Brownies (with the huge help from Sylvain Jamois aka Undercover Kitchen) from the produce grown at School, and Larkhall Primary School sold a variety of summer flowers and hanging baskets – stunning! With record breaking sums, with the help from our generous customers, all schools made a significant profit which will go back towards each schools’ activities programme. Well done everyone involved!!

Since March 2013, all participating schools had been working hard growing produce to sell at the market replanting seedlings, nurturing, feeding and harvesting their foods for the special event in July. Thanks to everyone who took part and helped make this event so successful!

Larkhall PrimaryClapham Manor 6aAllen Edwards PrimaryClapham Manor Primary 4


In November 2011 the Clapham Leaf Club held it’s first session at Eden Community Gardens with Fiona Law, Master Gardener, who has very kindly offered to advise the Club on the different ways to set up each school’s allotment or garden space which they’ll use to grow their produce to be sold at Venn Street Market in July 2012.

The first session focused on organic soil, compost and mulch and this January we’ll be planning for the growing year! We’ll be visiting Larkhall Primary who have their very own chicken pen with plenty of eggs to go around…

Grand Finale:  Saturday 14th July 2012 at Venn Street Market

Well done to all five local primary schools who took part at the Market on Saturday 14th July. They are: Allen Edwards, Clapham Manor, Heathbrook, Larkhall and Macaulay Primary Schools.. It was a brilliant and colourful market thanks to you..

Allen Edwards and the wiggly worms!

At Allen Edwards, we have been meeting once a week on Mondays at after school club to work in the Secret Garden and grow an array of flowers, vegetable and herbs. Not having the best weather in the world and some pesky foxes, has meant that some things haven’t been as successful as we hoped…

We are now up to our ears with salad leaves, potatoes, onions and a few tomato plants. Lots of herbs and peas are coming along too. The children work in two’s or threes and are keen gardeners and appreciate the small insects that we look at – wiggly worms and slimey snails mostly! They are most enthusiastic about watering the garden and are very gentle towards the plants. Hurray for the Allen Edwards young gardeners!